August 30, 2006

Dear Chicago Residents:
From time to time, this blog will feature some of the projects I've become involved with over the years. Here's one such posting ...

Help Homeless Children!
Please Take Action Now!
August 30, 2006

On the eve of the start of school (1st day is Sept. 5th), the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is suddenly significantly cutting transportation services to homeless children. In addition, the CPS failed to include homeless children in the door to door back to school campaign that has been in the local newspapers. To top it off, CPS refuses to settle the lawsuit brought by homeless families to protect the homeless children displaced by school closings.

Money for lawyers but not for homeless students?!?!
PLEASE TAKE ACTION NOW! Call or write Arne Duncan. See flyer and sample letter on CCH's website.

Join us if you can.
Homeless families will be out in force tomorrow at CPS to make an issue of this at 9:00 am at 125 S. Clark in Chicago. Please email me if you make a call or send a letter.

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