May 30, 2007

June CARE Team Volunteer Events

To continue from last month, we’ve got a lot of gardening to do. Both our DuSable Campus Garden and Englewood Youth Against Lead Garden involve high school students and empty lots of land. We’ve started weeding at the EYAL Garden and discovered we have excellent soil (provided the lead test comes back negative). So if you enjoy gardening or just want to stop by and see the chaos (high school students + dirt), mosey on over. You can click any of the dates below the respective gardens:

DuSable Campus Garden
4934 S Wabash
June 2nd, June 9th, June 16th, June 23rd, June 30th
I want to lead one of these dates.

Englewood Youth Against Lead Garden
1854 W Garfield (press the “Imagine Englewood if” doorbell)
June 3rd, June 10th, June 17th, June 24th
I want to lead one of these dates.

Tuesday, June 12th
This is Me. Who are You? Art Projects
We have a date for our “This is Me. Who are You?” art exhibit: It’s October 13th & 14th at the Green Lantern in Wicker Park !! More details forthcoming. Till then, come sit next to Dignity Diner patrons and spark their artistic sides (while you work on something yourself). This is a relaxed, creative atmosphere. But not really relaxed. More like hectic.
Holy Covenant United Methodist Church
925 W Diversey
I'll volunteer for this.
I want to lead this event.

Monday, June 18th
Oral History at the Nathalie Salmon House
One of Chicago 's few intergenerational houses, the Nathalie Salmon House is inviting us to interview residents on some of their life experiences. Think of yourself as a Barbara Walters, only without the makeup.
Nathalie Salmon House
7320 N Sheridan
I'll volunteer for this.
I want to lead this event.

Wednesday, June 20th
Operation HOPE training
If you missed it last month, here's another chance: Learn to teach youth to become financially literate. What does this mean? You'll learn to explain to youth what money is, how to create a budget, what a bank account is, etc. Hey – we’re all about acquiring new skills.
United Way Building
560 W Lake
I'll volunteer for this.
I want to lead this event.

*If you need driving directions to any of these events, please try For public transportation, try If you need a ride, please let us know by selecting “Need Transportation” when you sign up.