"'Tis better to have loved and lost than to not have loved at all."
Lord Tennyson Alfred
I distinctly remember the first time I came across the quote above. I was a freshman in a high school English class. It wasn't that long ago ... HONESTLY! At the time, I vowed myself never to get involved with someone whom I didn't truly "love". Love became something to aspire to yet so easily cheapened, tarnished. There are so many things I don't quite fully understand. I've resolved to let those things rest for lack of knowledge and experience. Besides, there hasn't been a need for these sorts of adventures/misadventures with them just bubbling about through others. Anyway ...
It was years later that I finally met "him". The man who would forever change my life. The man whose laughter, sweetness and passion fueled fond memories and desires within myself. (All my love for the sweetness of his laughter ...) For reasons not fully clear to me, our love lives in the deep recesses of our hearts, minds. For starters, he is in France ... I am not. That could and may change though.
In so many ways, this love will never truly be lost. He is in every genuine, sweet laughter I hear. Besides, one cannot love someone else so deeply and instinctively without becoming a different person.
... TO LOVE!!!